
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
EP77 Reinventing Education 101 Spiral Dynamics Integral Live Presentation
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
What's the most useful framework for engaging with school development?
Rob Macleod attempted to lay out the basic framework of the Reinventing Education Podcast earlier this year during his online presentation with Spiral Dynamics Integral Live. Check out their Facebook & Youtube pages for engaging & potent content on a wide variety of topics from education to LGBTQ equality in the workplace to self-organizing transit.

Sunday Sep 19, 2021
EP 76 : Connecting Communities with Mihai Banelescu
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Tonight we are joined by educator and community connector Mihai Banelescu, of the One Room, One World Schoolhouse project. We discuss how to connect people with developmentally minded yet diverse perspectives to build the schools of the future. Join us!

Sunday Sep 05, 2021
EP 75 : Classroom Ethos in Mainstream Schools
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
The ethos or spirit of a mainstream classroom has wide-ranging implications on every aspect of a child's life.
At its best, the mainstream school sees the class as a group of high achieving individuals supporting each other as a team. It's a place that is fair and acknowledges that fair looks different for each of us. There is an emphasis on personal motivation and trust is gained through transparency.
However, an over-emphasis on competitiveness might erode those social connections leading to isolation and a loss of a sense of community.
Today we look into the "babies and bathwaters" of classroom ethos in a mainstream school. Join us and let's keep the conversation going!

Sunday Aug 22, 2021
EP74: Armin Sieber - Future Perfect - 10 Years From Now Looking Back
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Armin Sieber, from the Integrale Tagesschule Winterthur in Switzerland, discussed his Future Perfect document, in which he writes from 10 years in the future looking back at what has changed in society and schools. In education, we often look at what can change within the walls of our schools, in this chat we discuss what could change in the world around us too. You can view the document here.

Saturday Jul 10, 2021
EP 73 : Mainstream School's Philosophies on Teaching & Learning
Saturday Jul 10, 2021
Saturday Jul 10, 2021
Embedded deep in every thing that happen in the classroom is the notion of what teaching and learning should be. In a mainstream school, driven by values of achievement and opportunity, what does this look like?
We may see differentiation, transparency, accountability and collaboration emerge as central. The complexity of study may move up the taxonomy from remembering, through understanding and into analysis or application.
But it is all for the best? What do we gain and what do we lose as we move into a world than may see us boiled down into data points or thrust into a winner takes all competition?
Join us as we dig into the "babies and bathwater" of the mode of thought and beliefs that underpin mainstream teaching and learning.
Get in touch! reinventingeducationpodcast@gmail.com

Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Traditional, mainstream and progressive schools all approach school assemblies differently. In this episode, we explore how mainstream schools are efficient, effective, motivating, merit-based and a chance for the community to work on curriculum objectives together. For fun, we also discuss the chaotic end of the school year tradition of the “abi-gag” in Germany.
Speaking of chaos, we ramble at the beginning of this episode, and if you have any interest in following up on the wide variety of inside topics we mention, here are some introductory links.
Frank Sidebottom - unique northern England entertainer
Chris Sievey - underappreciated pop musician who created a 45 single that had its own computer loaded video on the bside.
Uncle Bob Pollard - the lead singer of the band Guided By Voices and general prolific song writer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqecxYBKtOY
Kayfabe - a pro wrestling term that has now worked its way into mainstream political commentary.
Tragically Hip - a band who were successful in Canada, but failed to make a splash internationally. Kind of like REM but with a lot of added Canadiana:
Kincardine - Rob’s hometown.
Bruce County - the county that Rob originates from. Some HD footage
Lucy Calkins Readers & Writers Workshop - A model that Brendan and I have used in our teaching.
Stewart Lee’s Clowns Documentary.
Maudecast- Brendan’s other podcast about Maude Flanders of (semi) Simpsons fame.

Saturday Jun 05, 2021
EP71 Introducing Brendan & Rob (your hosts) with Malcolm Giles
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Brendan and Rob share ideas, models & critiques freely.
But they've been stingy about their personal details.
Malcolm Giles returns to flip the tables & ask us questions about why we're doing what we're doing and where things might be going.
Malcolm was our guest in our 65th episode. All 3 of us wanted to keep our conversation going, so here he leads the discussion with Brendan and Rob.

Sunday May 23, 2021
EP70: Michael Tomaino - How To Be A Superhero
Sunday May 23, 2021
Sunday May 23, 2021
What are your superpowers?
Michael helps students define theirs.
We focus on the importance of letting students know they are valued, gratitude in the classroom and helping students tell an empowering story about themselves.
Brendan and I then reflect on some of Michael's key points and do our best to see what a superhero might mean to traditional, mainstream and progressive teachers.
You can check out Michael's book here:
& his work here:

Sunday May 09, 2021
EP69: Reflecting On Our Interview With Dr. David Labaree
Sunday May 09, 2021
Sunday May 09, 2021
How did schools get to where they are? Who are the stakeholders in our education system and how are their needs met? What has been the impact of schools shifting their attention from nation-building to cultivating value? What are the impacts of gamifying education?
Our conversation with Dr. David Labaree from episode 68 brought up so many important questions that we unpack some of what he brought to the table here.

Sunday Apr 25, 2021
EP 68 : Dr. David Labaree : How We Got Here - Education's Changing Purpose
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Today we chat with Dr. David Labaree, a sociologically oriented historian at the Stanford Graduate School of Education on some of the major processes and patterns that define the relationship between education and society.
David's books include, “Someone Has to Fail" & "How to Succeed in School Without Really Learning.”
We are joined by fellow educator Dwayne Primeau to discuss how the purposes of school have evolved from building citizens to producing human capital. Along the way, we dig into hopes for the future and ways to bring political decisions about education back to the community.
Enjoy! And please get in touch with us at reinventingeducationpodcast@gmail.com if you want to be part of the conversation.