
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
EP 47 : Kindergarten & Student Government in Traditional Schools
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Each type of school has its own conception of how young children should be educated. Today we look at how Traditional schools run their Kindergartens. One of the questions we ask is, "Why do schools that value self discipline an order allow the youngest children such freedom?"
In the second part of the show we dig into how a security minded traditional school might run a student government. How does a school that values authority delegate decisions to its students?
Also, as the Corona virus pandemic continues to have a major effect on the world, we update how our own schools are adapting to the crisis.
In this show we reference this research paper on the introduction of academic studies to Kindergarten and also this article on the differences between Montessori early years education and traditional kindergarten.
Our "Reverse Sponsorship" this week shout the online portfolio tool "Seesaw" and the book "Igniting Brilliance : Integral Education for the 21st Century"

Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
The Corona virus global pandemic has forced schools around the world into the largest experiment of virtual learning that has ever been undertaken. Traditional, mainstream and progressive schools have dealt with this unfolding crisis in very different ways.
Today we look into the solutions that these three types of school systems have developed as they attempt to continue teaching and learning while staying true to their core values.

Saturday Mar 21, 2020
EP 45 : Playtimes in Traditional School
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Break times, eh? We all love em! But what role do they play in a traditional education? And are there elements that no longer work well in 2020? Today we dig into the rules of the playground in our search for "babies & bathwater".
We also discuss the idea of classroom jobs for students and look into the belief that they play an important role in building responsible people.
In our opening ramble, we reverse sponsor, "Third Culture Kids" a great book on the topic of students who live in multiple cultures and we give a shout out to the "Meetup" app as great way to organise informal educational events.

Saturday Mar 07, 2020
EP 44 :Discipline & Assessment in a Traditional School
Saturday Mar 07, 2020
Saturday Mar 07, 2020
Traditional school prides itself on being disciplined, but how does this type of education deal with those who hurt others and disrupt the flow of things? In the first part of this episode we dig into the idea of punitive discipline and its outcomes. We follow this with a discussion on the whys and hows of traditional school grading and assessing of student work.
Our reverse sponsorship today celebrates the work of Stephen McIntosh and his video ("Developmental Politics in 5 Minutes").
And during our segments on discipline and assessment, we refer to the following articles & research papers : Michael Carson - Psychology Today article - “Punishment Doesn’t Work" ; Jessica Samakow - Huffington Post article - “What Science Says About Using Force To Punish A Child” ; Elizabeth Gershoff - American Psychological Association article - “Is Corporal Punishment an Effective Means of Discipline?” ; Mark E. Bouton and Scott T. Schepers - Research Paper - "Renewal after the punishment of free operant behavior" ; Rebecca Putman - Texas Journal of Literacy Education article - "Using Research To Make Informed Decisions About The Spelling Curriculum"

Saturday Feb 22, 2020
EP 43 : Homework & Marking in Traditional Schools
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
In the world of traditional education we would expect to see students completing homework on a regular basis. But does homework still have meaning in 2020? Alongside this, marking of this work was traditionally done in private by teachers and then returned with comments, including the dreaded "See me!".
In today's episode, we discuss the strengths and weaknesses in the approach to homework and marking that you may find in a traditional "security" minded educational establishment.
We reference the work of Alfie Kohn (rethinking homework) & John Hattie (feedback in schools)
We also throw out a few of our own (non educational) podcast recommendations -enjoy! Adam Buxton, The Portal, Weird Studies, Athletico Mince, The Daily Evolver & That Naturopathic Podcast

Saturday Feb 08, 2020
EP 42 : "The Lesson" & Differentiation in a Traditional School
Saturday Feb 08, 2020
Saturday Feb 08, 2020
What do we mean when we say "a lesson"? It seems an obvious question, but to each type of school - traditional, mainstream & progressive, what you may see may be markedly different. Today, we question the pros and cons of the traditional "chalk & talk" style lesson and we also ask how such a model supports and differentiates for the wide range of students that we have in our classrooms. Join us for another deep delve into the world of traditional education as we fish for babies and bathwater.
Also in today's show we talk briefly about Salman Khan's Khan Academy
and the influential work of Ernest Boyer and his book, "The Basic School"

Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Traditional approaches to education relied on a master and apprentice model. Modern education has largely abandoned this approach. In this episode we argue that it, and many other elements of a traditional education, given the right context, still have an important place today.
Schools could learn a thing or two from how pro wrestlers are trained. We interview Tyson Dux, owner and head trainer at the Tyson Dux Wrestling Factory in London Ontario Canada. Tyson is a 23 year veteran of the wrestling world and has a reputation as one of the greatest because of how he conducts himself in and out of the ring.
We discuss how a traditional old school approach to teaching serves upholding lineage, reputation and belonging. Tyson helps us see the sense of responsibility and accountability a master has to push their students to meet the demands that mastering a craft requires.
Check out Tyson's Wrestling Factory here:
See Tyson in action in one of the matches he mentions here:

Sunday Jan 05, 2020
EP 40 : Respect & Classrooms in a Traditional School
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
How should we be with each other? The traditional school might suggest that we should show respect and expect support....but what are the pros and cons of such a worldview? And is it really as straightforward as this? Today we dig into the ethos or culture that we might find in the traditional "security-minded" classroom. And then, in the second half of the show, we discuss how the learning spaces in a school can work for or against learning. Join us and let us know your take!
In this episode, we give a shout out to:
Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Brad Kershner's Parenting & Education in the 21st Century - A Developmental Evolutionary View

Sunday Dec 15, 2019
EP 39 : Uniforms & Textbooks in Traditional Schools - Friend or foe?
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Today we tackle two age old questions. Is there a place in 2019 for the textbooks and school uniforms so beloved by traditional schools? Spoiler alert..the answer is no...and yes! Join us to get the ins and outs of this conundrum as we try to find out which elements of a traditional education benefit us today and which maybe do not.

Sunday Dec 01, 2019
EP 38 : Teacher Trust in Traditional Schools
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Traditional school likes to say that it operates from a sense of duty, pride, common sense and self discipline. But what is its place in 2019? Today we dig into how parents interact with traditional schools and the levels of trust afforded to teachers. What can we learn from this system of education and what should we leave behind?